This assignment was given on Monday last week and I am very excited to get started! My initial thoughts were that the design of news media today is well polished, yet the content is inundated with negative vibrations. I immediately associate the "news" with bad news, so I am beginning to understand why the moral of the U.S. is at an all time low. I heard from an international citizen that the news is different in their country. He was shocked at the way news was delivered in the U.S. He pointed out that the news is delivered in ways that tease our attention, only to be held open to deliver commercials for commercial goods. In example the news caster on T.V. says, "Somebody just killed 27 people in Los Angeles, California...Do you know who it is? We do, stay tuned...then a commercial for the new Vanilla Cherry Ultra Razzberry Super-Max Coke with a twist of Artificial Lime comes on and we say, "Well, I might as well drink that shit because it might taste good and I will probably get killed by that psycho who's on the loose in my home town anyway!"
The alternative approach is becoming possible through the internet. The device for the delivery of the news in a fluid way is there, yet we need to step back and analyze the content.
What if all the news changed it's focus to GOOD news instead of aiming to instill fear to the masses. It can be argued that masses who are afraid are easier to control. It can also be argued that it is proven that when people hear GOOD news they are likely to feel better and in return feel more comfortable in their surroundings. When people are comfortable, they come "out their shell" and begin to bloom so to speak.
I understand the entertainment value of the news. I personally would rather hear the heroic story of a firefighter risking his life and successfully saving a child from a burning building, yet another may choose to be aware the current state of crime. It is similar to choosing to watch a horror film vs. a comedy or fantasy.
I propose a choice for the news before entering it...
Something that gives the power back to the individual user...
A method of personalizing the experience and asks the question, "How do you want to feel today?"
Some quick notes on possibilities are:
1. Interactive webcam control that monitors facial expressions while reading to be analyzed by the viewer in retrospect
2. Along with login entry, the ? is asked. "How do you want or choose to feel right now?"
3. Allow user to upload personally localized stories. This will enable self-importance and begs the question, "What about my life?"
More to come...
P.S. All constructive critiques welcome.