Monday, November 5, 2007

Project 2: xPOOL

The submersive interactive experience renders a world of motion and sound that can be customized to the user , which transcends any current swimming pool experience.

The core idea was inspired by the practice of swimming and perfection of form for speed and efficiency. The idea of a digital underwater interface that could correct and critique swimming form was the base of the concept. While swimming, the floor of the pool is the perfect platform and remains in the visual field, which current technology fails to utilize.

The mood should convey a feeling of cutting edge coolness. Technology and liquid light along with visuals which refer to audio levels (It will translate audio files from MP3 players and interface them). It should convey a fantastical dramatic quality.

Touchscreen Console:

Body profile based on user input:

Audio goggles:

Wristwatch controller:

Theme Options:

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